Buy Mimosa Hostilis Root Bark Products

Shop our curated selection of Mimosa Hostilis Root Bark products – gummies, chocolates, syrups & vapes.

What Is Mimosa Hostilis Root Bark?

Mimosa hostilis root bark is derived from the Mimosa hostilis tree, also known as Jurema Preta or Tepezcohuite. It’s indigenous to the northeastern region of Brazil and has been used traditionally by indigenous tribes for various purposes, including medicinal and shamanic practices.

The root bark contains various compounds, including alkaloids such as N,N-dimethyltryptamine (DMT), which is a potent psychedelic substance. Due to its DMT content, Mimosa hostilis root bark has gained attention in recent years within certain communities interested in entheogenic substances.

In addition to its traditional uses, some people use Mimosa hostilis root bark that is rich in DMT for spiritual purposes.

In recent times, there has been a surge in interest in plant-based psychedelics for therapeutic purposes, which has sparked discussions about the potential benefits associated with substances like DMT and the plants from which they are derived.

Mimosa Hostilis Root Bark Products

Tre House gummies, chocolates, syrups & vapes are infused with Mimosa Hostilis root bark powder, and are crafted for those who seek to experience the psychoactive capabilities of the root bark of mimosa hostilis.